How Much Do You Know About Whole Learner Education?

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1 / 10

Science tells us that learning happens:

2 / 10

Is this statement true or false?: Whole-learner approaches work best when content is primarily shared from educator to student, and learning experiences are adult-directed.

3 / 10

Whole-learner approaches to education:

4 / 10

Fill in the blank: “In order to optimize opportunities for success, learners need experiences that are grounded in ______________, and support the development of a broad set of physical, social, cognitive, creative, and emotional skills.”

5 / 10

When young children are engaging in informal, imaginative play (like putting on a dramatic performance, or playing ‘make believe’), they are:

6 / 10

Generally speaking, our current education system:

7 / 10

Ability - the full breadth of skills and knowledge a person possesses - is:

8 / 10

Fill in the blank: “Effective whole-learner approaches embody the understanding that academic content and knowledge acquisition are ___________ when all of the skill domains—physical, social, cognitive, creative, and emotional—are addressed in a seamless and interwoven manner.”

9 / 10

Knowledge and skill “development is predicated on the learning opportunities available, and the context in which the learning happens.” What comprises “context”?

10 / 10

Implementing whole-learner approaches requires:

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